CO-CURATING MOVEMENT – curatorial meeting 4 – 9 June 2018

macedonian below>>>>

Co-curating movement – curatorial meeting 4.06.2018- 9.06.2018

This event gather four performing arts curators Lydia Bell, Anastasia Proshutinskaya, Marijana Cvetkovic and Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski that will work on the development of the common future platform for curating, while also encountering local authors, organizations, students and other individuals through informal and formal meetings, presentations and lectures.
On 4th of June 2018, there will be a public event in which they will present their work, and art scenes in New York, Moscow and Belgrade, and on 7th June they will be holding a workshop as the part of the educational platform Arts/Politics/Institution/Body – Open Scene.

>>>>4th June @19:00<<<<<
Presentations of the curatorial practices in performing arts in New York, Moscow, Belgrade and Skopje

Guests Lydia Bell – Program Director Dancespace (New York City, USA), Anastasia Proshutinskaya -Curator, ZIL Culture Centre (Moscow, Russia) and Marijana Cvetkovic – Co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance (Belgrade, Serbia) moderated by Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, – Executive director and program editor of Lokomotiva- Skopje will talk and present their own socio-political and economic contexts in which contemporary dance and performance are developed.
Questions that will be tackled in the discussion will include meaning of the selection vs curation, is curation shaped by the politics of economy, or socio-cultural environment, or is aesthetically independent? How does the curated programs communicate with the audience and what are their implications to the audience and professional community, and if curated programs communicate and influence general context? and some other…
Presentation of the book AN UNTIMELY BOOK Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia) 3
Book is produced as part of the Critical Practice Made in Yu program of Life Long Burning project, co-organized by Lokomotiva, Skopje and Stanica, Belgrade representing Nomad Dance Academy.
Book is published by Lokomotiva – Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture
Authors and Editors: Alexandra Balona, Nassia Fourtouni, Aleksandar Georgiev, Nina Gojić, Ana Letunić, Ellen Söderhult, Aniko Szucs
Book will be available for download.
Book will be presented by Aleksandar Georgiev, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkvoski and Marijana Cvetkovic.


Bios of the guests:
Lydia Bell

Lydia Bell is a performance curator and administrator based in New York City. She is currently Program Director at Danspace Project, where she oversees programming, publications and research initiatives. Most recently she co-curated the Bessie award-winning Platform 2016: A Body in Places with Judy Hussie-Taylor and Eiko Otake. She has also organized projects at Danspace Project with artists such as Yve Laris Cohen, DonChristian, Ruth Patir and Xaviera Simmons. From 2009-2011, she coordinated the three-year tour of the Eiko &amp; Koma Retrospective Project in collaboration with 15 partner venues, including the Walker Art Center and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago. Lydia has worked on projects with Movement Research, Sam Miller/OAM Company, and the Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance. She has contributed to publications such as Judson Now (Danspace Project, 2012), Museum and Curatorial Studies Review, and Movement Research Performance Journal and spoken nationally and internationally about her work. Lydia is a graduate of Wesleyan University (B.A., Dance and Classics) and the Institute for Curatorial Practice in Performance at Wesleyan University.

Anastasia Proshutinskaya Curator, ZIL Culture Centre (Moscow, Russia)

Anastasia Proshutinskaya – researcher, curator and producer – is employed with Dance Department of ZILCC since 2012. At this position, she is mainly focused on emerging young dance artists and their artistic development through residencies and various educational events. She had been in charge of over 50 premiered productions on black box stage of ZILCC. Her international projects vary from individually designed residencies for invited artists to broad networking with academic programs in contemporary choreography. Anastasia Proshutinskaya acquired M.A. in Art Theory and History from Moscow State University and M.A. in Performance Studies from The Southern Illinois University; she held internships at Dance Theatre Workshop and The Kitchen (New York, NY USA).

Marijana Cvetkovic

Completed MA in management in culture and cultural policy at the University of Arts in Belgrade and University Lyon 2, France. Currently works on her PhD research at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Initiated and realized various programs and projects in the fields of cultural policy, international and Balkan cultural cooperation, contemporary dance, visual arts and museums…

Co-founder of Station Service for contemporary dance, Nomad Dance Academy, Balkan platform for development of contemporary dance and performing arts and the independent cultural center Magacin in Belgrade. Cultural activist at the independent cultural scenes of Belgrade and Serbia. Previously worked at the University of Arts in Belgrade (head of International Relations, 2002- 2010), Nomad Dance Academy (member of the Coordination Office, 2006-2013) and the Museum of Contemporary Arts in Belgrade (strategic development manager). Since 2009 teaches at the UNESCO Chair in cultural management and cultural policy at the University of Arts in Belgrade. Gives lectures and workshops on diverse topics related to self-organization, independent cultural scene, contemporary dance field, museum development, networking… Organized and curated international conferences and exhibitions: Centre Georges Pompidou, Museum of contemporary arts in Belgrade, Gallery FLU, University of Arts in Belgrade, BITEF Festival, Kondenz Festival of contemporary dance and performance and many others. Edited several books and published numerous articles in various magazines and edited books (in Serbo-Croatian, English, Italian, Polish, German, Swedish and French).


This event is part of the program Art:: Politics:: Institution:: Body organised by Lokomotiva- Skopje.

This project is supported by the GPS/Global Practice Sharing program of Movement Research with funding from the Trust for Mutual Understanding.


Овој настан собра 4 куратори на изведувачки уметности Lydia Bell, Anastasia Proshutinskaya, Marijana Cvetkovic и Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski кои ќе работат на развојот на заедничката платформа за куратори, а истовремено ќе се сретнат и со локални автори, организации, студенти и други индивидуи преку неформални и формални состаноци, презентации и предавања.

На 4 Јуни 2018, ќе се оствари јавен настан на кој ќе ја презентираат нивната работа, и уметничките сцени во Њујорк, Москва и Белград и на 7 Јуни ќе држат работилница како дел од едукативната платформа Уметност/ Политики / Инситуција/ тело - Слободна Сцена

:::::4 Јуни @ 19:00 :::::

Презентации на кураторски пракси во изведувачките уметности во Њујорк, Москва, Белград и Скопје
Гости: Лидија Бел - Директор на програмата Dancespace (Њујорк, САД), Анастасија Прошутинскаја-куратор, Центар за култура ЗИЛ (Москва, Русија) и Маријана Цветковиќ - Коосновач на Станица- сервис за современ танц (Белград, Србија) модерирана од Биљана Тануровска Ќулавковски, - Извршен директор и програмски уредник на Локомотива-Скопје ќе разговара и ќе ги презентира сопствените социо-политички и економски контексти во кои се развиваат современите танц и перформанси.

Прашањата што ќе се разгледуваат во дискусијата ќе го вклучат значењето на селекцијата наспроти кураторството, дали кураторството е зависно од на економијата или општествено-културното опкружување или е естетички независна? Како програмите што се курирааат комуницираат со публиката и кои се нивните импликации на публиката и професионалната заедница, и како курираните програми комуницираат и влијаат на општите контексти?

Презентација на книгата AN UNTIMELY BOOK Critical Practice (Made in Yugoslavia) 3

Книгата е продуцирана како дел од проектот Critical Practice Made in Yu program of Life Long Burning project, co-organized by Lokomotiva, Skopje and Stanica, Belgrade representing Nomad Dance Academy.
Книгата е продуцирана од Локомотива- Центар за нови иницијативи во уметности и културата
Автори и уредници: Alexandra Balona, Nassia Fourtouni, Aleksandar Georgiev, Nina Gojić, Ana Letunić, Ellen Söderhult, Aniko Szucs
Презентирана од Aleksandar Georgiev, Marijana Cvetkovic, Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski








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