
Showing posts from May, 2019

Lecture/discussion with Jelena Vesic- "Administration of aesthetics"// Предавање/дискусија со Јелена Весиќ-„Администрација на естетика“

Macedonian below >>>> Program ART POLITICS INSTITUTION BODY // lecture // Jelena Vesić After lecture talk with Jelena Vesić and guests participants Ivana Vaseva, Nebojsa Vilić, Vladimir Jancevski and Slobodanka Stevceska. Moderator - Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski 22.05.2019 @ 19:30 KINO KULTURA It is our pleasure to start 2019 program Art Piolitics Institution Body with lecture by Jelena Vesić, titled  "Administration of aesthetics or on underground currents of negotiating artistic jobs; between love and money, between money and love ..." This lecture explores different modes in which concepts of love and money inhabit contexts of the production and interpretation of art. Love and money – as social relations – are analyzed within this ideological space, strained by internal tensions between the autonomy of art and the heteronomy of labor. In our attempt to understand the “apparatus of production” of contemporary art, we try to approach this ...